
Friday, April 6, 2012

CMPH The Medicines Used in Diabetes

European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human (CMPH) Use issued a positive opinion on the use of insulin Levemir base as adjunctive therapy to analog (GLP-1) Victoza in combination with metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes

The Committee also issued a positive opinion for the Victoza product. Although the study does not consider the results sufficient to support a new therapeutic indication for the drug, the Committee concluded that the new data are important for health professionals related to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and recommended, to place new data in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) of the product.

Decision Committee based on data from a randomized, open, 52-week clinical trial conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of adding insulin Levemir given once daily by injection, for treatment with Victoza dose of 1.8 mg of metformin. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Once Deadly Disease Disappear

The strongest weapon in the fight against human infectious diseases is vaccination. However, their use meets with reluctance, in both poor and rich countries. In this respect, traffic new anti vaccinated enthusiasts put on a par with the Islamists and the illiterate people in developing countries.

Despite the development of new drugs, access to them in developing countries is limited, and most viral diseases gathers a rich harvest. The problem is the lack of money, often including logistics and infrastructure, the lack of which prevents the delivery of drugs to anyone who needs them.

Eradication Action
One of the biggest campaigns in the history of public health was an action for polio eradication militis. In the fight against disease, the point is, so to raise the level of immunity in humans, the virus has been deprived by the human host. Polio virus, like any other, a few strands of genetic material in the coat protein. He can not live alone, so penetrates to other cells. Sometimes it gets to the spine, causing spinal damage and paralysis.

Diabetes: The Uncertain Future of the latest generation of drugs

In recent years, insulin analogs have gained considerable popularity. However, their high price has set policymakers the challenge, or benefit from the use of analogue insulins are able to outweigh the cost.

Despite the high expenditure incurred on clinical tests, the company Novo Nordisk does not intend to impose the highest possible price for your new insulin with a very long time operation: Degludec and DegludecPlus that just hit the markets in Europe and the USA - informs the portal in vivo ( Insulin pricing: Let The battles begin .) Counting the cost even if the main reason for this decision is to return the global recession, the prices of insulin for some time are subject to actions intended to reduce the cost of treating diabetes. It is irrelevant that the fight against this disease is still far cheaper than treating cancer, or that properly treated diabetes saves the long term. 

The problem seems to be that mature insulin are both cheaper and much less effective than new generation drugs. In recent years, insulin analogs have gained considerable popularity. But are more expensive than their human counterparts. According to an analysis published at the end of September. in the British Medical Journal * , in 2000-2009 the NHS (the British equivalent of the NHS) could save 625 million pounds, were men of the doctors prescribe to patients instead of human insulin analogues. Previously, a similar conclusion reached at home, Germany - Institute IQWiG questioned whether the benefits of analogue insulins are able to outweigh the cost. In the UK, representatives of the local equivalent of AHTA - Institute NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence), evaluating new technologies for drug-drug for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, recalled recently that in the first instance recommend the use of human insulin. reversal of the trend in recent times the number of people in the UK diagnosed with diabetes rose to 2.8 million. As many as 90 percent. cases of type 2 diabetes In their calculations, the British assumed that patients who switch to human insulin will be given the same amount of drug. 

In England alone, the cost of insulin analog in 2004-2005 amounted to nearly 110 million pounds, representing 55 per cent. total cost of all insulins. In 2009-2010, this amount has already exceeded 255 million pounds and 85 percent. overall costs. A similar trend was observed in the 80s, when the human insulin began to rapidly displace the animal, which was, moreover, despite the lack of evidence for the superiority of new over old. Overall, in 2000-2009 issued to refund NHS prescriptions for diabetics 2.732 million pounds. 59 percent. this amount, or 1.629 million pounds of cost insulin analogue. Contrast, human and animal insulin, respectively 1.056 million (39%) and 47.2 million (2%). Total cost of the refund of all insulin increased from 156 million in 2000 to 359 million pounds in 2009, an increase of 130 percent. During this period, the annual cost of an analog of insulin increased from 18.2 million pounds (12 percent. Refund the cost of insulin) to 305 million pounds (85%). The cost of human insulin has fallen from 131 million pounds (84 per cent. Refund insulin) to 51 million pounds (14%). field maneuvering here to the problem of the latest products Novo Nordisk.

 If some officials are not convinced even the so-called. modern insulins on the market for 15 years, still prescribing drugs available since the 80s last century, the fate of Degludec? Representatives of the company several years ago suggested that this product may be a limit to achieve in the field of injectable insulin. This is confirmed by experts Sanofi Aventis, according to which further successes in the treatment of diabetes will depend mainly on factors such as education, increase convenience and improve delivery systems drug. Even though Novo Nordisk ensures that Degludec is more effective, the data on the decline in the number of nocturnal hypoglycaemia do not have to convince everyone. 

Meanwhile, parallel to the maneuvers on the line producer-price payer takes the rivalry between corporations. For example, when last year, Novo Nordisk withdrew (prematurely, as it turned out) human insulin from the British market, Eli Lilly reduced prices of their products in this category to quickly take over a group of customers, who suddenly was no medicine. In addition, in 2015 the patent protection expires on analog Lantus (Sanofi-Aventis) and the emergence of biosimilar medicines in the following can affect the price reduction and other insulins base, including Levemir (Novo Nordisk).

New drug for the treatment of aggressive form of breast cancer

At the final stage of development, namely in the phase of clinical trials or awaiting the assessment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are 91 drugs on breast cancer. The report and a list of nearly 900 vaccines and drugs for cancer, we are working on pharmaceutical companies, announced the American Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies (PhRMA). 

Development of the current methods of cancer include: 

 - a drug that affects the metabolism of cancer cells by depriving them of energy from of glucose;

 - a drug that is designed to induce a strong immune response directed against melanoma (skin cancer malicious)

 - a potential drug of first choice (given to patients in the first place, before any other method of treatment), the first in a new class of drugs, which aims to identify specific tumor cells and destroy them, and then sting the patient's immune system, so that he conquered the remaining tumor cells; 

- a new therapy that uses nanotechnology, which facilitates the absorption of the drug by the patient, which allows to overcome limitations of existing methods treatment.

Glioblastoma and other cancers

Disease is a thing which none of us probably do not want to meet. Diseases can be different at the different organs have different substrate and so on. Therefore, we must take care of their health and to respect them because they have only one. It's hard to mention all kinds of diseases, not to mention their names. One of them is undoubtedly Glioma . It is a disease ordinates of the central nervous system. It is very difficult to detect it in the usual preventive tests, and as we know them before the disease is detected, the greater the chance of a cure.

But our health is not too inviting us to visit medical facilities such as hospitals, health centers, clinics. So as you can, try to avoid diseases. But unfortunately we do not decdujemy about everything. We can eat healthy, take care of themselves, and even then it may well be burn us an unbearable disease. Some diseases are more severe than others and go almost in a few days. But worst of all is that the treatment is very expensive. It's not just about doctors and medicine, but also for example operations.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Advances in melanoma therapy

The increasing incidence of melanoma and ever younger age of the patients determined the world of science to find effective drugs. Some are already on the market, others are under investigation.

- Each year in Europe, there has been a 68 thousand. new cases of metastatic melanoma, more than 20 thousand. patients die. It is barely 4 percent. incidence among all skin cancers, but accounts for 80 percent. deaths - said Axel Hoose, responsible for the department of immunology and oncology, Bristol Myers Squibb Company, at a press conference organized as part of this year's European Oncology Multidisciplinary Congress in Stockholm (23-27 September 2011.). 

In countries such as Great Britain takes on epidemic proportions. Drastically reduces the average age of the patients. Melanoma is the most common cancer among 20th years old. In Poland, for the time being in the second ten most common cancers.

- This shows the difference in the determination to fight the disease - summarizes the epidemiology of cancer Piotr Rutkowski, director of Cancer Soft Tissue Clinic, Bone and Czerniaków Free Society:

- Just look at the growing number of sessions devoted to this type of cancer in the international oncology meetings. 
 The metastatic melanoma has come to be loud at last year's ASCO information due to the progress in this area has not been seen since the 70s these.

Long-term survival
In 2010, the magazine published the NEJM study ipilimumabu (Bristol Myers Squibb). The drug is a human monoclonal antibody that blocks CTLA-4 antigen and the immune system to be active in the fight against melanoma cells.

In March 2011, FDA registered drug as monotherapy for the treatment of patients in stage III and IV disease. In July, ipilimumab was registered by the EMA. 

The three-arm randomized phase III trial randomized patients with unresectable melanoma of the III and stage IV, in which the disease had progressed after treatment system, compared ipilimumab glycopeptide vaccine (gp100). 

676 patients were randomized to three groups in a 3:1:1 ratio: ipilimumab (at a dose of 3 mg kg of body weight in cycles every 3 weeks for a total of four cycles) with the addition of gp100 vaccine (403 patients), ipilimumab alone at the same dose (137) and gp100 monotherapy (136).

Median survival in these groups were 10, 10.1 and 6.4 months. When it comes to overall survival, drug prolongs survival two of the patients compared to standard therapy. There is also fourth year survival. (Improved Survival with Ipilimumab in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma, NEJM, 2010).

Immukoonkologia without targeted selection 

The genetically targeted therapies can be selected patients who respond to treatment - The treatment of isolated molecularly targeted group of patients in whom the target of the drug. For now, unfortunately there are no known predictors of treatment immunotherapy, work in progress - says prof. Rutkowski. 

On the basis of currently available clinical data treatment according to European ipilimumabem indications registration must first be considered in patients: 

  • Diagnosed with melanoma of the skin or mucous membranes in unresectable stage III or IV,
  • After previous unsuccessful treatment system (based on dacarbazine), up to 2 lines of therapy for systemic therapy or intolerance,
  • No metastasis to the brain or of asymptomatic brain metastases in good performance status (0/1 according to the criteria of ECOG - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, which allows the scale to determine the general condition and quality of life of patients with cancer). 

The risk to a woman's life

Woman sex organs are exposed to many different diseases. Therefore, the importance of regular visits to doctors' offices, and survey control. Only in this way may find that their health is at risk. And this is certainly one of the major reasons why women should avoid visiting doctors' offices. And this is regardless of whether they are already mothers or are just that beautiful time is against them. Especially women who are planning to become mothers should take care of your health.

Because this increases the chance that their children will be born healthy. Any worrisome symptoms noticed at home that women should not be ignored by them. Because you may find that their reproductive organs were attacked by a very severe disease. Tumors of the sex cords are not only prevent a woman is a mother, but just as importantly they are a serious threat to the life of the woman. However, all the warnings at women guided doctors do not always produce the results expected by them. Not always women decide to visit the doctor's office or to perform preventive testing.

Dealing with side effects of stomach cancer

Probably will not surprise anyone when I say that the side effects of stomach cancer can be very tedious. The most serious are the possible diseases associated with a serious violation of the normal operation of that body, and although it's not the tumor (if it would be a relapse), but it's just a good chance there are other diseases which are somehow "exploit an opportunity" to attack the weakened tissue.

It is therefore important is that the side effects of stomach cancer does not surprise us in any way, and we we were kind of ahead of all the negative possibilities associated with treatment and period after treatment. We regularly monitor whether or not there is a threat, either we have to do on your own - where possible, or simply be alert to all the worrying - and also benefit from professional help, or go for testing. Many people make the mistake right here, because once the process completes the basic treatment and are considered to happen at this point to be healthy, you no longer take care of yourself in a bigger way, recognizing that there is no need.

Different types of complications from the disease

Need to change the diet and the current way of life on a different, sometimes much more peaceful it is often the result of illness. Often such changes are necessary for a person to live. But her recovery was short-lived. Very good knowledge of the person suffering from cancer. It is they very often change their entire lives and the way I look at them. Often also carry out a specific re-evaluation of the whole of his life. 

Beginning to see the matter, which previously did not pay attention. And though in most cases can not be avoided caused by the disease cancer complications , it is every person who struggles with this insidious disease, says a completely new life. No matter how big are the complications associated with a history of the disease. It should however be aware that complications associated with cancer also apply to a person's psyche. It is in this area often results in the most severe changes. A person ceases to initially believe that she will manage to overcome the disease, and then tries to regain the joy of life. And this is not always as simple as it may seem.

Food for the patient

Regardless of what kind of cancer will be diagnosed in a person, always treat it as long as possible is long lasting and is associated with numerous side effects for the patient. Some of them disappear with the completion of treatment, others are felt throughout his life. If a person is diagnosed with stomach cancer, the most serious side effect for the patient is not so much a surgical reduction of stomach, but also limited food intake.

Already by the end of life a person will not only be on a special diet, but also will have to be careful in what quantities it takes the individual foods. That is why stomach cancer is considered one of the more burdensome for patients. Do not forget, however, that the side effects of stomach cancer also affects family members of patients. In particular, what meals are adopted by individuals in the family. Very often the whole family, not only the patient goes on a diet. And although the food is prepared for a sick person, are always more delicate than for other family members, then the longer the end of treatment including food all family members is becoming more uniform.

Ewing's tumors

Ewing's tumor, a malignant bone tumor. It is also known as Ewing's tumor. Ewing's sarcoma most commonly affects children and adolescents. Named for its discoverer. Ewing's sarcoma is seen in children between four and fifteen years of age. Occurs more frequently in men than in women. Unfortunately, the prognosis for cure Ewing's sarcoma are not the best. The factors are poorly rokującymi male gender, anemia, and use only local radiotherapy. Symptoms of Ewing's sarcoma are pain in the limbs when the tumor is located in the pelvis.

When Ewing's sarcoma occurs in the spine when there are symptoms related to compression of the spinal canal. Other symptoms include fever or elevated ESR. Is best achieved by surgery, ie removal of the tumor and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves fourteen cycles. Ewing's sarcoma is encountered most often in Caucasians than in the Far East race or African American. Rarely occurs in people over the age of thirty. There has been even one case of disease. Most new cases are found in the United States.

Recognition of stomach cancer after the primary symptoms

Without a doubt, gastric cancer is a very serious disease, which is by no means be underestimated in any way. The more so because it is one of the most common cancers, and it is hardly surprising that this is - is somehow caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, and so the abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, lack of exercise, poor diet, at least one of these factors applies to virtually everyone. It is therefore important to learn about the symptoms of this disease as soon as possible so as to recognize it.

Certainly the most obvious symptoms of stomach cancer are chronic abdominal pain, with very high intensity and found almost all the time. If this is accompanied by our frequent nausea, vomiting and a general lack of appetite, tarry stools, you should begin to watch your body, do self-examination. Then if dostrzerzemy swelling around the liver or generally disturbing increase (abnormal) is a clear signal that we need to see a specialist, because our problem is probably just cancer of the stomach. Do not tarry in the moment.

Treating the patient's psyche for prostate cancer

There's no denying that prostate cancer is a very serious illness, which is by no means be underestimated in any way. Any light treatment of this disease can be a terrible revenge on us, because during the fight with the disease need to focus as much as possible, as if everything that you can do. Prostate cancer treatment is not just chemistry, or other drugs, but also work on issues strictly mental.

How do you mean? Well, first of all because a patient who will be struggling with this disease will be extremely weak, not only physically, but also in terms of purely mental. As scientifically proven that people are stronger mentally, which is optimistic, had a far higher rate. Therefore, it is important that the patient had the best care mental, if not by professional help, then at least through the greatest support environment, so family and friends. He also needs to understand that his cure to a large extent also depends on the state of his mind, and on this also has to work carefully.

Lymphoma and Cancer

Unfortunately, the people affected by all sorts of diseases and ailments. But we have to somehow deal with this, medicine is still moving forward, and are ever more powerful hardware. That is why we are doing more and more diseases. Unfortunately, not all. For example, lymphoma or other cancers are not easy to control. Here, in many cases you just have to rely on fate and luck. These diseases are fatal, however, if we detect them as an early stage, it's just possible to treat. 

However, none of us want to collapse on the tumor, and there are very many. It can also be breast cancer, stomach, intestines and so on. Exchange can be no end. But the worst, if for example we have metastasis to other organs. Then, very hard to save that person, and its treatment is very, very expensive. We must always have hope that things can and will be fine. Medicine goes forward and it still offers us a new solution. Therefore, we must believe that he would be cured a sick person. Important is also that it had around him a lot of people loved to have the strength to fight the disease.

Two categories of symptoms of cancer

Tumors can be divided into two types - those for which the symptoms are easily noticeable even to the layman, and those for which the person is not more broadly oriented in such matters will be very difficult to recognize that this is something undesirable. It is therefore important to check if sometimes we do not belong to a group that is threatened by the risk that a cancer that is hard to "see" - and if so, how much more we should increase our vigilance.

For example, symptoms of prostate cancer for a long time are almost completely hidden, so a tumor is almost always diagnosed at a very advanced stage when treatment is extremely difficult. Therefore, older men, especially those who did not have special healthy lifestyle, as often as they should go to research to see if there are sick of the tumor, because certainly they do not they will be able to sense the time that something is not Yes. Find out today if your current medical fitness makes it potentially will have similar problems in the future - this is the first step to avoid them.

Prevention of colorectal cancer side effects

Probably will not surprise anyone when I say that the side effects of colorectal cancer can be very tedious. The most serious are the possible diseases associated with a serious violation of the normal operation of that body, and although it's not the tumor (if it would be a relapse), but it's just a good chance there are other diseases which are somehow "exploit an opportunity" to attack the weakened tissue.

It is therefore important is that the side effects of colorectal cancer does not surprise us in any way, and we we were kind of ahead of all the negative possibilities associated with treatment and period after treatment. We regularly monitor whether or not there is a threat, either we have to do on your own - where possible, or simply be alert to all the worrying - and also benefit from professional help, or go for testing. Many people make the mistake right here, because once the process completes the basic treatment and are considered to happen at this point to be healthy, you no longer take care of yourself in a bigger way, recognizing that there is no need.

Kaposi's sarcoma type tumor

Sarcomatoid tumor's sarcoma, a particular type of cancer. It is associated with infection by the herpes virus. Name of Kaposi's sarcoma is named after its discoverer, the discoverer of the Hungarian dermatologist. The greatest number of sick in Kaposi's sarcoma falls on men of Jewish descent. Mostly living in Eastern Europe. Symptoms of Kaposi's sarcoma, a small nodule, which have a tendency to spread and expand. The disease can take the form of remission of the so-called retention and relapse.

In this way takes a classic European form of Kaposi's sarcoma. There is the African form of Kaposi's sarcoma. It applies to children of African tribes. It runs very aggressively. Last figure that reflected concerns of Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS patients. It occurs most frequently in the U.S. and affects nearly twenty percent of homosexual men. The fastest sarcoma develops in internal organs such as lungs and kidneys. Visible changes can be seen on the tip of the nose. After the start of antiretroviral therapy the disease persists. Unfortunately, also is very aggressive.


Cigarette smoking is injurious to health and life. He knows this very well, anyone who has ever lit a cigarette. Unfortunately, we often forget also that the people who live in the immediate company of smokers also endanger their health at risk. Often it is those who are staying for a long time in the company of smokers often start to feel the discomfort associated with breathing or functioning of their lungs.

Although lung cancer can be due to other diseases, is one of the main reasons is cigarette smoking. That is why more and more people are attempting to separate from this pernicious habit. Unfortunately this is not always an easy effort. Not always, it also allows you to avoid this terrible disease. Especially if the person was previously, for very many years, she smoked cigarettes. Then you will certainly leave the addiction affects not only improve their health, but it is not a guarantee that the person is not ill. Especially if she already feels the changes in their lungs, for example, difficulty in breathing.

Another fight for life

Long-term treatment and rehabilitation that are always associated with various diseases, including cancer cause that many people do not want to once again go back through this difficult journey. Despite this, patients staying in the oncology departments throughout the world are aware that this is not their first and last stay at this particular branch. Since both the recurrence of colorectal cancer, as well as all other cancers always remind myself.

What remains unknown is the only time in which a person has once again come to deal with the disease. Nevertheless, persons who had already managed to win with this disease they decide to fight again. Because they know that they have a chance not only to win the fight, but also a return to health. And though every person who starts treatment is full of fears about whether it will be effective, it is known that the only way to regain health. A desire to live is often in these people a lot more stronger than the disease. Therefore, the defeat seems to be much easier than the first time. Although there are also moments of doubt and during treatment.

A difficult diagnosis

Some of the tumor for a long time developing in our bodies do not give any symptoms. And once we agree to a doctor to perform basic control tests, it appears that changes in the body raises its concern. And in addition to basic research we have done a few other specialized tests. We start to get nervous all the more so if the doctor does not want to share with us your guesses.

Then we begin to suspect the worst possible disease which is undoubtedly the tumor. Especially when someone in the family also suffered for him or ill. Then we are convinced that you also waiting for the hard fight. A lymphoma was diagnosed which leaves you no longer had any illusions. Because you know that you too will have to undergo chemotherapy and surgery may be complicated. And even though you can not come to terms with the new situation, it is slowly starting to understand how changes to your life. Just glad that the disease was diagnosed as soon as the increase your chances of winning with her.