Regardless of what kind of cancer will be diagnosed in a person, always treat it as long as possible is long lasting and is associated with numerous side effects for the patient. Some of them disappear with the completion of treatment, others are felt throughout his life. If a person is diagnosed with stomach cancer, the most serious side effect for the patient is not so much a surgical reduction of stomach, but also limited food intake.
Already by the end of life a person will not only be on a special diet, but also will have to be careful in what quantities it takes the individual foods. That is why stomach cancer is considered one of the more burdensome for patients. Do not forget, however, that the side effects of stomach cancer also affects family members of patients. In particular, what meals are adopted by individuals in the family. Very often the whole family, not only the patient goes on a diet. And although the food is prepared for a sick person, are always more delicate than for other family members, then the longer the end of treatment including food all family members is becoming more uniform.
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